Funding Charities with NFTs

Rob McNealy
Oct 6, 2021
Krappy.Art is pioneering the use of generative NFTs Drops to fund charity.

Krappy.Art, home to Undead Presidents NFTs, is pioneering the use of generative NFT Drops to fund charity. Recently, Krappy Art partnered with Watsi, through the release of Undead Presidents. In that release, Watsi received 10% share of the proceed from each Undead Presidents NFT sold.

This was done in a novel and transparent way, because Watsi’s public Ethereum (ETH) address was hard coded directly into the smart contract. So, for every Undead Presidents NFT sold, the proceeds were automatically delivered to the wallet controlled by Watsi, so no one had to worry about any scams or rugs regarding the donations made to Watsi.

In addition to the donations from sales, the Krappy Art team also provided Watsi with four fully minted Undead Presidents NFTs, as a long term potential source of revenue.



Rob McNealy

TUSC Founder 🐘 | Photographer 📸 | Fabricator/Welder ⚙️ | Floor Nerd 🔨 l #TUSC #BTC #NFTs #Crypto #Art #Photography #2A #Welding #Web3 #Flooring #Construction